Well, I guess I have been a bad blogger lately. Honestly, there has not been much going on right now. [At least nothing to write about!]
We had a couple of snow days. More like "NO" snow days!! I'm still not really sure why they were out of school!! Days out of school are always difficult for the boys. They were already out of school on Friday and Monday for a break. They had snow days for Wednesday and Thursday. By the time they went back Tuesday, they were way off their schedule.
Logan had a bad day. He was whining when I left him at 7:45. When I got to the school to pick him up and opened the door to the school, I heard him crying. They said he was that way all day.
Braden had trouble going in to school, but he seemed to have an okay day. They said he actually fell asleep during school!! As soon as I brought him home I put him to bed for a nap. I had to wake him up at 4:00 to go out of town. He seemed to feel better today though.
Since they went to school yesterday, of course it SNOWED!! Don't het me wrong, it didn't stick or anything, but it did look like a snowglobe for a while. It was really beautiful, with big slow-falling flakes. I took Abby outside to see the snow. She had never really seen snow before. It was either dark, or she was asleep, or it wasn't enough to bother with before. She seemed to be amazed by the snow. I caught a flake and put it on her nose. She is so great with everything! She was doing all right until the snow started hitting her in the face. She was ready to go back inside then.
Amanda needs to post some baby pics. Maybe you could mention it to her???
I am glad that you are back!!
I hope that the boys have better days tomorrow.
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