This fence has been up since before I was born, which isn't a terribly long time, but long enough to get shabby. And not in a chic way. Upkeep on it kinda went under when my dad moved out. It hasn't been cleaned out in well over 10 years.
We have been talking about cleaning it out, but it is WAY down on the to-do list. Trad's friend, Matthew said that he would help him get it cleaned out. Matthew owns his own lawncare business and he has a Mexican that works with him. His name is Francisco, but evidently everyone calls him Fran. [I understand that Mexican is not PC, but he really is from Mexico, so I think I am ok there.] Fran is awesome! He is a very hard worker and things happen very quickly when comes over to help. He might even be better than a goat, who knows??
I wish I had took some before pictures, but I didn't think about it. This is only phase 1. There will be more pictures up as they go around the fence more. You can see the other side of the field, and how grown up that fence row is. That is what this side looked like also.
This is a pic of the fence closest to the house. There was an old rusty metal building on that slab of concrete. Trad is going to pour more concrete around there and make himself a basketball court. They started around where the building was. It had alot of brush and small trees growing there.
This is the same angle, just a little further up the fence row.
They got a ton of work done in just 5 hours. I am very impressed at the speed of which things are shaping up out there. There is still a whole lot of fence to be cleared, and then the fence will probably have to be replaced altogether. On the up side, looks like we will be having one heck of a weenie roast!
Goats do eat and clean everything!
Goats will work. Husbands?? They are questionable.
I am bringing you a goat. Since you made fun of my Sunday Summary!
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